Wednesday, December 21, 2005


Does anyone but me ever reflect on the absurdities of American culture and politics. Doesn't it strike you as absurd that in the election for President of 2000 one of the candidates was probably the most qualified candidate for the Presidency there ever was, whereas his opponent was a known loser, not at all qualified to become President, but who then actually became President. He wasn't really elected, of course, but, rather, appointed by a dishonest, illegal, and unconstitutional Supreme Court. This doesn't change the fact that this was absurd, to say the least.

How about going to "war" against Iraq because the towers were attacked by someone else? Iraq had nothing to do with it, was not even remotely involved, but was singled out for attack anyway. Is this not absurd?

The national debt is at an all time high. So what do Republicans do? They pass more tax breaks for the wealthiest people in the world. People who already have more money than they could ever use in probably hundreds of years. In order to finance this they actually take money from the poor. Is this not absurd?

Some forty million people in the U.S. have no health insurance. Does Congress worry about this? No, not at all. They worry about homosexuals marrying, women having rights, and flag burning. Is this not absurd?

The Bush/Cheney administration stays in power because of corporate power and the backing of religious fundamentalists. These two groups having nothing in common. Corporations could care less about homosexual marriages and abortion and the fundamentalists are too stupid to realize they are being conned. Is this not absurd?

The Bush/Cheney administration is about to implode. It has proven to be so corrupt and incompetent that many of the major players are in trouble: Rove, Libby, Abramhof, DeLay, Frist, etc., etc., etc. So what is the Republican "base" concerned about? Christmas, that's what. We should refuse to shop at any store that emphasizes "holidays" rather than Christmas. Is this not entirely absurd?

Bush, Rice, and others are insisting that we do not torture at the same time Bush/Cheney are trying to block an anti-torture amendment sponsored by McCain. Is this not absurd? They managed to compromise with McCain with an absurd pretense that they are not going to torture anymore.

Bush argues repeatedly that we must "stay the course" in Iraq. To do otherwise would dishonor those who have already died. So we must insist on further deaths to honor the already dead. Is this not totally absurd.

I could go on but I am being pressed by family to get off the web so they can conduct more important business. So Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, and whatever.

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