Friday, February 04, 2005

Flotsam and Jetsam

Watch 'n Wait: Thank you.

My wife and her friends have gone to see a production of the Vagina Monologues put on by a local group. Don’t tell me that we have no Culture here in North Idaho. I have no idea what the Vagina Monologues are about, other than it must have something to do with women. Even so, I am thinking about a possible male version. I may call it “The Dick Speaks.” Maybe “Penis Pontifications.” Perhaps “Phallus Phantasies.” I sort of like “Goliath Roars,” but that, of course, would be much too personal. Actually, a story about Winston Churchill would be much closer to the truth. Apparently Winston was attending a conference when his male secretary sent him a note saying his fly was open. Winston, never at a loss for a reply, sent back a note saying, “not to worry, dead birds don’t fall out of the nest.” I really miss Winston.

But on to more serious matters. According to an article in Buzzflash the famous bulge in Bush’s suit was almost certainly a device for prompting his answers. This was researched by a number of different people and organizations and was a story ready to be published in the New York Times. But it was killed at the last minute. They didn’t want to publish it so close to the election. I wonder why?

It appears that when Bush appeared to tell his Social Security lies in Fargo, North Dakota, some forty people were not allowed to attend. These were people known to be opposed to Bush’s “war” and etc. We know this is not the first time something like this has happened. So much for American democracy.

We are still waiting for the results of the “Democratic Election” in Iraq. At the moment it seems that the Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani faction is winning over the Bush choice, Prime Minister Ayad Alawii, but nothing is definite as yet. What does seem definite is that the initial claims of heavy turnout are turning out to be just that – claims. One source suggests that in Mosul only ten percent turned out. As no one seems to know how many registered voters there were to begin with the entire attempt is nothing but utter speculation. Supposedly we should have the result by early next week. What does it matter, the results will be nothing more than poppycock anyway. What would be truly interesting is if Ali al-Sistani does “win” and then demands that the U.S. withdraw its troops. I know, this is not going to happen. But it would certainly put some pressure on those 14 permanent bases we are said to be constructing.

Yes, Alberto Gonzales was confirmed and is now taking over as Attorney General. Be advised that six Democrats voted for him: Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut, Mary Landrieu of Lousiana, Bill Nelson of Florida, Ben Nelson of Nebraska and Mark Pryor of Arkansas. I believe we should do everything possible to say goodbye to these nitwits in the next election, especially Lieberman who has proven once again to be a Republican. The only conceivable good in all this is that no matter how bad Gonzales turns out to be, he could not possibly be worse than Ashcroft. Perhaps he will even turn out to be okay. Would that not be a happy day?

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