Sunday, January 23, 2005


It is hard to know where to begin these days. But let’s see. First, it appears almost certain the Senate will confirm Alberto Gonzales. This means to me, and I know to more than just a few others, that the United States Senate, representing the American people, believes that torture is justified. In other words, the United States repudiates the Geneva Convention and their own laws respecting torture. There is no other way to interpret this action. So welcome to your new country.

It is also the case that Condoleeza Rice, demonstrably a liar and sycophant, will also be confirmed as our new Secretary of State. Apparently the Bush/Cheney Administration thinks the time for diplomacy is now. How they could possibly arrive at this idea is truly a mystery given the fact that the time for diplomacy was more than three years ago. Do not look for any diplomatic breakthroughs in the immediate future.

Apparently Donald Rumsfeld, having failed dismally in the “war” against Iraq, is now taking over much of the intelligence apparatus of the Pentagon and establishing his own spy network. This new organization has apparently been functioning for two years, funded in some mysterious and apparently unauthorized manner, and under the control of Donald himself (although they now claim no one reports directly to Rumsfeld himself). I guess he has been allowed to do this because of his record of unbroken success in Iraq.

Oh, yes, Iraq. They are going to have a democratic election soon. It is going to be something to behold. Candidates are afraid to identify themselves, polling places are being kept secret, large numbers of Iraqis are intending to boycott the election, and it is a foregone conclusion that whoever is elected will be candidates the U.S. will want to win. How can an election held under the auspices of an occupying power be considered truly democratic? I guess the Bush/Cheney Administration thinks the Iraqis are as stupid as Americans.

I guess the Bush/Cheney people have decided to jettison the idea of a Constitutional Amendment against gay marriage. This is not surprising given that they obviously never had any intention of doing it in the first place and merely used it as an election gimmick. While it is said the religious right is still lobbying for it they might as well be baying at the moon. Here in Idaho, however, our State Government not only wants to ban gay marriage, they want to ban even any form of civil unions for gays and lesbians. Wouldn’t it be easier to just pass a law to eliminate them entirely? You know, like the Nazis did for the Jews and Gypsies and others. In all fairness, you have to understand that Idaho has not yet quite made it into the 20th century. Don’t forget that not long ago the State Legislature discussed changing the State Constitution so the State would have no responsibility for the schools. Ah, Idaho. The Gem State. It sparkles.

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