Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Three Stooges of the Apocalypse

Suicidal elderly man shoots
himself In head, same bullet
also accidentally kills his wife.

The three stooges of the apocalypse were in rare form today. The only thing lacking was the physical slapstick. As could easily have been predicted, BP blamed Transocean, who in turn blamed Halliburton, who then tried to blame BP. It would have been hilariously funny if the disaster was not such a complete disaster. None of them blamed the U.S. government, but don’t worry, it will not be left out for long. In the meanwhile the well keeps releasing at least 210,000 gallons of oil a day into the gulf (and quite likely that is an underestimate). Their first Rube Goldberg contraption having failed they are now trying a second one, smaller than the first one, and if it fails I guess they will throw down the rubber tires and golf balls. It’s nice to know that we live in a culture in which there is neither accountability nor responsibility, at least not if you are members of the elite corporatocracy (I really dislike this word, if that is even how you spell it).

Also as predictable as the sunrise, Republicans are trying to roviate Elena Kagan, but will probably fail. As she has little in the way of a paper trail, and seems to have managed to reveal very little about her political beliefs, they will doubtless go after her for not having been a judge. This will never work simply because there have been many Supreme Court Justices, including some of the greatest, who were never judges. What I find most amusing about this is that Kagan is being described as a cigar smoking, beer drinking, poker playing “hale fellow well met,” not exactly what you might think of for a Supreme Court Justice. Interestingly enough, this is being said not to criticize her but, rather, to endear her to us as someone who has had “real life experience,” which she hasn’t, having been sheltered at Harvard and a rather elite society all of her life. Anyway, I have no real idea what kind of Justice she will become although I personally think she will tend more toward the conservative side of the aisle than the more liberal side (like Obama himself). But as usual, what do I know?

Things have been going pretty well here at Sandhill of late, except for the very rainy Spring. The broad beans are just breaking through the surface, asparagus is doing likewise, but I fear my potato seed may have already rotted in the ground. Nothing else except peas has been planted as yet, but soon. I have had to tear down an old fence and replace it with a new one. What a job! Never build a fence you think will last forever. It won’t, and it is far more difficult to tear an old fence down than to build a new one. When things go well for an extended period of time it always makes me nervous. My doctor says I am in good health, I worry about that. My blood pressure the other day was 114 over 64, the lowest it has ever been. I think it’s because I have long since given up completely the idea that the human species is worth worrying about. It has become quite clear to me we are incapable of managing our lives and our planet and will soon have to pay the piper, so to speak. I take a kind of sadistic pleasure in knowing that I won’t be around to experience the worst of it. I have no fear of death, but I am a bit nervous about the process of dying. But I confess I rarely think about it.

The older I grow the more I distrust the familiar doctrine that age brings wisdom.
H. L. Mencken

Canadian geese mate for life and stay together through all seasons.

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